June 2013

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MFSTC Newsletter

Volume 4 Issue 6

Editor’s Comment: The 4th of July always holds a special place in my heart for being thankful to my entire fellow veterans, past and present, who sacrificed life and limb to keep our country safe and free.

Tip: with that in mind I will tell you about a secret place I have hunted every 5th of July for over 20 years; The Catonsville High School were I pick up both blankets, purses, cell phones, keys and yes, both folding money and coins. But you have to be early in the AM before the county clean up crew gets there. They hold the local fireworks there every 4th. Check your local area next year before the fireworks start and see were the bulk of people sit, etc. Pick up the good stuff first and then do your metal detecting.

The June 6:30 pm early “ No Digging” membership hunt at the rec. center was won again by Trevor Hugunin, Honoree mentions goes out to Olivia Cornwell, Ron Long, Conner Krieger.

Our President, Gary Pennington, and I went to Atlantic City to an event called by “Chicago Ron” from his Internet radio show. Listeners were to meet and metal detect the Atlantic City beach there by the famous television star of “Dig Wars” (on the Travel Channel), Ron Guinazzo aka“ Chicago Ron” or aka “Mr. Logistics”. Gary said about 40 listeners were expected. Ron DeGhetto of Gold diggers metal detectors was there with his programmed Minelab CTX3030 picking up the good stuff and passing up the trash. Ron was very kind to advise us of the areas of the beach were old Silver was being found and also gave away some T-Shirts. In the end we all had a lot of fun hunting and networking and making new friends. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

There isn’t much more time to prepare for the Sept. membership closed hunt. Please get your hunt registration fees and prize donations in now to Steve.

Sonny Stewart has challenged the membership to find a New York Regiment civil war encampment site near Annapolis Junction that he has researched but to date has not been found to his knowledge and could produce a lot of relics if found. See Sonny for more details.

Contest results:

Coins first place with 18 points: Trevor Hugunin
Coins second place with 17 points: Austin Bialozynski
Coins third place with 8 points: William Hill

Relic Contest results:

Relics First Place with 10 points: Trevor Hugunin
Relics Second Place with 5 points: Mark Krieger
Relics Third Place: No Entries

Club Favorite:

Steve Cunningham’s Civil War shovel (Be sure to check the member’s finds link for this extraordinary story and it’s recovery) Great Job Steve .

That’s all for now Alvin “ Bud “ Lamb

Last updated: January 1, 1
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