May 2013
MFSTC Newsletter
A special Thank You by all of the club members goes to Harold E. “Sonny“ Stewart who has step down from the club treasurer position. Sonny has a long history with the Maryland Free-State Treasure Club serving as club president, vice president, treasurer, and newsletter editor. As many of the old and new club members know, Sonny has been both very generous in donating his time and personal gift giving through the years. Thanks to Steve Cunningham for stepping up to fill the club treasurer position.
The Minelab Atlantic City National Metal Detecting Day was well-attended by our Free-State Club members (check out the “Outings” link on our website) with club President Gary Penningtonand family, Steve Cunningham and family, Howard Shettle and his girlfriend, Trevor Huguninand family, and Alvin “ Bud” Lamb. We all had a lot of fun both on the field and off. Great prizes and good food were enjoyed by all.
On May 5th, Howard Shettle, Harold “Sonny” Stewart, Steve Cunningham, and Steve & Patty Zellhofer went to Gettysburg, PA to visit owner Don Hinks at Gettysburg Electronics to experience the wonders of his Civil War collection. As I had been told, it’s like a mini civil war museum.
We have to pay tribute to Steve Cunningham, our webmaster, who not only created the Maryland Free-state Treasure Club website but has been very diligent with updates and new content. The website has evolved into the BEST of the treasure-club websites in my personal opinion and I’ve heard likewise from others!
The early 6:30 pm “ NO-DIGGING” club member mini hunt at the Victory Villa center was won by amateur-turned-pro Trevor Hugunin with 23 found pennies. 9-year-old Conner Krieger came in second. Will there be a repeat on the June 25th Hunt??
Club Contest Results for May 28th. 2013:
Civil War Buttons: Trevor with 5 points, Howard with 4 points.
Civil War Bullets: Steve Cunningham with 5 points
Club Favorite: Bill Wise.
Total Points Winners**;** First Place - Howard Shettle; Second Place - Trevor Hugunin; Third Place - Bill Wise.
Reminder: Check the website’s “ Hunts” link for upcoming membership hunts and other open hunt events.
C. U. later,
Alvin “Bud“ Lamb