March 2022

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MFSTC Newsletter

Volume 6 Issue 51

COVID-19 guidelines were in effect. Face masks are optional. No limit on the number of attendees. In person meetings will be conducted on the last Thursday of each Month at 7:00 PM at Victory Villa Community Center

Mini Hunt: The monthly mini hunt was conducted at 6:30 PM. We will have a Mini Hunt at every monthly meeting until further notice.

Pizza: The club was served Pizza before the meeting.

The in-Person meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by President, Mike McCullough. Mike introduced the club officers, Mr. Gary Pennington, Vice President, Steve Cunningham – Treasurer, membership chair and Web Master and Mr. Tom Burleson, Secretary and News Letter. Mike acknowledged all of the volunteers and thanked them for their service.

Donation : St eve Cunningham has donated 2 Books : Civil War Newspaper and Civil War Battle Fields maps.

Mark Kreger donated Garrett Bag, Mine Lab hat and a Whites finds bag. Thank you, gentlemen, for supporting the club.

Treasurers Report: Steve Cunningham reported an account balance of $ 2,706.58

Attendance: 31 members.

Buddy List: This is a list of people needing or giving assistance with their type of Metal Detector. Anyone is interested in joining the Buddy list see Andy Cooper.

Leg of Monthly Winner: Winner: Gary Pennington.

Silver Round: Bruce Custer.

50/50 Raffle: Dwayne Meanor.

Special Raffle of the 2 books: Ed Stratton.

Thank You: Carrol and Frank for helping with the raffles.

Relic Contest: 1st Mike McCullough; 2nd Andy Cooper;3rd Dwayne Meanor; 4th Mark Krieger Sr.

Coin Contest: 1st Kevin Weis;2nd Ed Stratton; 3rd Bob Rinker; 4th Dwayne Meanor.

Club Favorite: Conner Krieger Breast Plate

Clad: Tim Mazz.

Club Outings: The March club outing was held on Saturday March 5th at the Kirwan House on Kent Island. Attending members shared information on their there finds.

Next Month Club Outing: The April club outing we will be held on Saturday April 9th we will be meeting at the Kirwan House on Kent Island. We will meet at 9:00am .

DIV Hunt : Mike McCullough gave a report on his finds and some information about the hunt. He gave everyone that went to report on their experience.

Maryland Historical Trust Hunt: Matt McKnight,from the Maryland Historical Trust, needs volunteers to look for a lost town from around the 1700s. They have a journal from a Quaker Teamster with clues. The hunt is scheduled for 4/27/2022 and 4/29/2022 from 9:00AM until 3:30PM. Contact Mike McCullough by email or phone for more information.

Upcoming Detecting Hunts: Lancaster PA. 4/23/2022, Liberty Hall 4/30/2022, Atlantis (Near Culpepper Va.) $100.00 1-day hunt and Easter Shore Metal Hunting Society seeded hunt 5/21/2022 $35.00.

New Activities: for 2022 Three scavenger hunts will be conducted in 2022, in the months of February, May and October. Brass tokens will be buried in January, April and September, and when discovered, traded for coins. Clues for each hunt will be distributed at the meetings.

Metal Detecting Permits for Baltimore City: are done online. At the Baltimore City Rec and Parks website. Your user name is your email address. You are assigned a temporary password. You select the permit renewal and then pay for that item in your cart. For information contact the permit office by email at [email protected] to Shaunte. She will help you navigate the process.

Permits for Baltimore: You can get the Baltimore County Metal Detecting Permit with instructions on M.F.S.T.C. web site .

Next Club Meetings: April 28th, 2022 starting at 6:30PM for the Mini Hunt followed by the Meeting at 7:00PM.

Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM

Last updated: March 3, 2022
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