May 2022
MFSTC Newsletter
COVID-19 guidelines were in effect. Face masks are optional. No limit on the number of attendees. In person meetings will be conducted on the last Thursday of each Month at 7:00 PM at Victory Villa Community Center
Mini Hunt: We will have a Mini Hunt at 6:30 PM Before every monthly meeting until further notice.
Refreshments: Mike has decided to make pizza a mainstay at our meetings.
The in Person meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by President, Mike McCullough. Mike introduced the club officers, Mr. Gary Pennington, Vice President, Steve Cunningham – Treasurer, membership chair and Web Master and Mr. Tom Burleson, Secretary and News Letter. Mike acknowledged all of the volunteers and thanked them for their service.
Thank You: Carrol and Frank for helping with the raffles, Dwayne Meanor (Bear) for taking care of the board and Dave Franz for handing out the door prize tickets ever week. Also, a special thank you to MikeMcCullough and his wife, Robin, who served at the carnival at Martin Airport in April and earned $75 for the Club.
Mike McCullough presented information on the Liberty Hall hunt with details as to where to hunt. Mike also talks about his Shepherdstown, WVA CW hunt, and the ESMDS hunt.
Treasurers Report: Steve Cunningham reported an account balance of $ 3,354.85
Attendance: 25
Guest: Dave Ferazzi
Patterson Park Update**:** After a conversation with Mike McCullough and a park representative, he was told we will not be able to hunt at Patterson Park. Thank you, Mike and Gary Pennington, for all your hard work on this project.
Buddy List: This is a list of people needing or giving assistance with their type of Metal Detector. Anyone is interested in joining the Buddy list see Andy Cooper.
Gold and Diamond Testing: See Nathan Pressler or Evan Werner if you need something checked out.
Merchandise Sales: See Nathan Pressler
Leg of Monthly Winner: Nathan Pressler
**Silver Round:****:**Nathan Pressler
50/50 Raffle: Jamie Foster
Relic Contest:
1st Ed Stratton, 2nd Mike McCullough.
Coin Contest:
1stMike McCullough, 2nd John Curtis, 3rd Jamie Foster, 4th Kevin Weis.
Club Favorite: Kevin Weis with NY Button.
Clad: 1st Jamie Foster, 2nd John Curtis,3rd Steve Zulich, 4th Ed Stratton.
Club Outings: The May club outing was held on Saturday May 14th at the Kirwan House on Kent Island.
Next Month Club Outing: June 4thfor more details contact Dwayne Meanor (Bear) - [email protected]
U****p Coming Detecting Hunts: Old Dominion Relic hunt November 5th.
Mike McCullough is in the process of contacting Evan Woodard from Salvage Ark of Baltimore to see if he will come and speak at one of our meetings.
New Activities: for 2022 Three scavenger hunts will be conducted in 2022, in the months of February, May and October. Brass tokens will be buried in January, April and September, and when discovered, traded for coins. Clues for each hunt will be distributed at the meetings. More clues for the new scavenger hunt were given out at the May meeting. Good Luck to everyone!
Information onMetal Detecting Permits for Baltimore City and Baltimore County can be found on our web siteMaryland Free-State Treasure Club.
Next Club Meetings: June 30th, 2022 starting at 6:30PM for the Mini Hunt followed by the Meeting at 7:00PM.
Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM