December 2022
MFSTC Newsletter
The in Person meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by President, Mike McCullough. Mike introduced the club officers, Mr. Gary Pennington, Vice President, Steve Cunningham – Treasurer, membership chair and Web Master (Steve was absent tonight) and Mr. Tom Burleson, Secretary and News Letter. Mike acknowledged all of the volunteers and thanked them for their service.
Mini Hunt: Due to the time change it will be getting dark earlier. There will not be any Mini Hunts until March of 2023.
Christmas Party Refreshments: The Club (MFSTC) provided us with Roast Beef, Turkey and Cold Cut subs. There was a Greens Salad, Mac & Cheese to go with it. Also we had deserts of all types brought by the members and volunteers. Thank you all for making this a special Christmas Party.
Thank You: Ed Stratton for helping with the raffles, Dave Franz for handing out the door prize tickets ever month.
December’s Club Outing: The outing was held at Leakin Park in Baltimore City on Saturday December 17th.
Next Month Club Outing: For more details contact Kevin Weis or Dwayne Meanor (Bear)
UP coming Outings : 2nd week in March a4 day hunt in Mt Airy, North Carolina on 7,000 Ackers. The cost is $215.00 Location to be announced at a latter date.
Buddy List: This is a list of people needing or giving assistance with their type of Metal Detector. Anyone is interested in joining the buddy list see Andy Cooper.
Gold and Diamond Testing: See Nathan Pressler or Evan Werner if you need something checked out.
Merchandise Sales: See Nathan Pressler
New Business: We will have a roll call every meeting. This will be done to keep track of attendance and for our drawings. Gary Pennington has taken over the Treasurer with Steve Cunningham retiring. The Vice President position will need to be filled. Dennis Powers volunteered to take over the membership committee from Steve. Members only hunt will be October 7, 2023
Donations: Anthony Bogdan donated a homemade wooden Snow Man that was raffled off and the proceeds donated to the club. Thank you, Anthony.
Snowman Raffle: Dwayne Meanor (Bear)
Membership Raffle: Dave Franz
2022 Leg of Monthly Winner: Andy Cooper
Silver Round: Kevin Weise.
Volunteer of the year: The following were awarded a silver round volunteering their serviced in 2022. Gary Pennington, Steve Cunningham, Tommy Burleson, Kevin Weis, Dave Franz, Andy Cooper, Carol Rinker, John Vise, Ed Stratton, Nathan Pressler and Dwayne Meanor. Thank you all!
50/50 Raffle: Anthony Bogdan
Find of The Year: Will be presented at the January meeting.
Information onMetal Detecting Permits for Baltimore City and Baltimore County can be found on our web siteMaryland Free-State Treasure Club.
Next Club Meetings: January 26th, February 23rd and March 30th. Meetings will start at 7:00 PM.
Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM