December 2023
MFSTC Newsletter
The in Person meeting was called to order at: 7:00 PM by President, Mike McCullough. Mike introduced the club officers, Vice President, Mr. Dwane Meanor, Treasurer, Mr. Gary Pennington and Mr. Tommy Burleson, Secretary and Newsletter. Mike acknowledged all the volunteers and thanked them for their service.
Mini Hunt: The Mini Hunts will start again at the March 2024 meeting.
Christmas Party: Food, Deserts and Drinks were provided by the club and members this month. Thank you for bringing the food. We all enjoyed the food and the time we spent together.
Thank You: Ed Stratton and Tom Ferrell for helping with the raffles.
Club Library: See John Vise the Librarian
Membership Chairman: Dennis Powers
Webmaster: Will Stoffel
M.F.S.T.C Facebook Page Moderator: Amy Taylor
Buddy List: This is a list of people needing or giving assistance with their type of Metal Detector. Anyone is interested in joining the Buddy list see Andy Cooper.
Gold and Diamond Testing: See Nathan Pressler if you need something checked out. Testing will be done in March, June, September, and November.
Decembers’ Club Outing: The outing will be held on Saturday December 30th at Leakin Park.
Next Month Club Outing: For more details contact Kevin Weis or Dwayne Meanor (Bear)
Presentation: None
Upcoming Outings : Digstock #9 February 23rd - 25th Cost $215. Events will be in Eastern North Carolina.
Treasurers Report: $144.48
Attendance: 40
Special Guest: None
Guest: James Pack & David Sommers
New Members: David Sommers
New Business. Last month we heard from the Election Committee that no one was interested in running for any of the offices. All of the officers except the President Mike McCullough were willing to continue their offices. We had an election vote of acclamation at the December meeting confirming the officers for another 2 years. With Mike leaving the President’s position and his duty’s will be shared as needed. Next month’s meeting we will have a sign up sheet. Thank You Mike for all you have done for the club. We appreciate all your years of service.
M.F.S.T.C has a new Facebook group. An invention has been sent out to all members.
Update: Baltimore Parks opened on September 1st
Special Donations: Thank you, Dave Franz, for donating a Whites Metal Detector and the Homemade Mailbox Bank ! The drawings for the Detector and Mailbox Bank were drawn at the December meeting.
Whites Metal Detector Winner: Bill Calwa
Mail Box Bank Winner: Kevin Weis
2023 Leg of Gold Monthly Winner: Kevin Weis
Silver Round: Ed Stratton
50/50 Raffle: Dwayne Meanor
Monthly Attendance Award : David Sommers
Coin Contest Hunter of the Year Mike McCullough
Club Favorite - Find of the Year Andy Cooper
Relic Contest Hunter of the Year Gary Pennington
The Volunteers and Officers recognized for their service with gifts of appreciation. Thank you all for your services.
New Activities: Ed Stratton buried the token before September’s meeting. And he also gave out more clues to help find the token at this month’s meeting. No one has found it yet. Let’s keep looking! Thanks’ Ed
Information on Metal Detecting Permits for Baltimore City and Baltimore County can be found on our web site Maryland Free-State Treasure Club
2024 Membership Dues $35 : If you have not paid your dues, please see Gary Pennington
Next Club Meeting will be held on: January 25th, 2024
Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM