Membership Bylaws

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Bylaws of Maryland Free-State Treasure Club

MFSTC Bylaws

The name of this organization, here after referred to as the club, shall be the Maryland Free-State Treasure Club or M.F.S.T.C. Founded in 1971 (* also known as MFSTC)

ARTICLE II: Objective and Purpose

The purpose of this club shall be to:

  1. Preserve the hobby of metal detecting
  2. Encourage members to work responsibly within the code of metal detecting conduct
  3. Foster a spirit of co-operation between museums, archaeologists, and historical research societies
  4. Provide training to new non-experienced members
  5. Promote and encourage the hobby of recreational metal detecting
  6. Provide members with a wide range of hobby related activities
  7. Provide monthly meeting for all members
  8. Be of service to the community, including law enforcement agencies and historical societies
  9. Lobby for or against any pending legislation that would affect our hobby
  10. Preserve our national heritage and protect our environment
ARTICLE III: Membership and Dues
  1. Membership shall be available to any person with interest in the objective and purpose as stated in these by-laws. Membership is open to anyone 18 years or older to include spouse and children under 18 years of age. All family members under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult member at all club functions.
  2. Honorary membership may be awarded to any individual for outstanding service or assistance to the club. Honorary members shall have all rights and privileges of members except the right to vote. Honorary membership shall be exempt from payment of dues. Honorary memberships are elected by majority of members present.
  3. Lifetime members are members who have had long standing active membership and have performed services to the Club and the metal detecting fraternity which would warrant this privilege. Lifetime membership awards are presented, at a regular scheduled monthly meeting. Lifetime members pay no dues, have full voting rights, and have the same rights and privileges as an active member.
  4. Membership is established by payment of dues. Annual dues for memberships shall be determined by the club Officers and voted on by the membership at the annual meeting.
  5. Dues are for the calendar year and shall be at such a rate as established by vote of membership. Renewal of dues by current members shall be completed by January 31st for the next full calendar year. Annual dues shall be applied to each year beginning with January 1st and ending with December 31st.
  6. New members joining during the first three quarters of the year shall pay dues in full for that year. Those who enroll as members during the months of October, November or December shall have the following year’s dues waived because of late-year enrollment.
  7. All members are encouraged to serve on committees and should conduct themselves in a responsible and respectable manner.
ARTICLE IV: Duties of Officers for Maryland Free-State Treasure club

The officers of the Maryland Free-State Treasure club shall be:

  1. President
  • The President has general supervision over the business and affairs of the club, and must set aside his time to provide the necessary leadership for club meetings. Leadership is getting members involved, delegating responsibilities, and requiring general meeting participation by all appointees and volunteers in their respective roles. The President appoints non-elective officers and committee heads.
  1. Vice President
  • The Vice President will conduct the club meeting in the absences of the President and will take responsibility for tasks assigned by the President. The Vice President shall assist committees in the carrying out of their functions and shall coordinate the monthly program/speaker for the club meetings.
  1. Secretary
  • The Secretary should keep detailed minutes of all board and general meetings for future reference and for board action. The Secretary prepares and distributes by email, or by postal mail to those who don’t have an email address, a monthly newsletter, has the power to organize and manage a telephone or email notifying committee, review all Club correspondence, coordinate responses as needed and maintain a file of Club correspondence. The Secretary shall oversee the membership list.
  1. Treasurer
  • The Treasurer must handle all revenues and expenses, provide detailed monthly reports, end of year summary analysis, handle all tax matters and provide the club with an analysis for managing membership dues. The Treasurer or President shall write and sign all checks.
  1. At the regular meeting held in October a Nominating committee of two (2) members shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the Club meeting in December. Nominations are to be announced at the November meeting with additional nominations accepted from the floor. All names placed in nomination must have prior approval from the nominee as to willingness to serve.
  2. The officers shall be elected by (ballot, voice or show of hands) to serve for no greater than two years and their term of office shall begin at the close of the December meeting at which they are elected. If only one eligible candidate has consented to serve that candidate shall be elected by acclimation.
  3. No member shall hold more than one elected office at a time.
  4. After holding a one-year club membership, any individual with a paid membership shall be eligible to run for any elective position.
  5. Should a position become vacant during the year, the membership shall be notified in writing that there will be a special election at the next general membership meeting to elect and fill the vacant position. A simple majority vote from the members in attendance at an election meeting, shall elect that nominee to office.
  6. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are exempt from paying dues while in office.
ARTICLE VI: Meetings
  1. The regular meeting of the Maryland Free-State Treasure club shall be held on the last Thursday of each month from January to December inclusive unless otherwise ordered by the club.
  2. The regular meeting in October shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of selecting the committee to nominate candidates, determine the membership fee, receive reports of officers and committee chairpersons, and for any other annual business that may arise.
ARTICLE VII: Executive Board
  1. The officers of the club shall constitute the Executive Board.
  2. The elected officers of the club shall be president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. This constitutes the board of directors. The board may invite select committee chairpersons or volunteers to a board meeting: however, they will have no voting powers.
  3. The Executive Board shall have general supervision responsibility of the club affairs between its business meetings, make recommendations to the club, and shall perform such other duties as specified in these bylaws. The Board shall be subjected to orders of the club, and none of its act shall conflict with action taken by the club.
  4. Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, there will be regular monthly meetings during the calendar year. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or can be called: upon the written request of three members of the Board.
ARTICLE VIII: Committees and Volunteers
  • Standing - committees that would function on a yearly basis and year to year.
  • Ad hoc - committees that would function for one (1 or 2) meetings and disband after the function is completed.
  1. Community Liaison: person or persons who interface with public officials (Parks, Law Enforcement, and news.
  2. Curator: person responsible for acquiring club prizes for raffle & hunts.
  3. Evidence Recovery: person responsible for having a team in place to provide assistants to law enforcement.
  4. Historian: an individual who archives important event information for future club milestone celebrations.
  5. Hospitality Chairperson: an individual who greets visitors at club meeting, handles introductions and does follow-up with visitors after the meeting.
  6. Hunt Master: individual responsible for all the club’s planted & unplanted hunts.
  7. Legislation Liaison: an individual that informs the club about any legislation issue either national, state, or at the local level and recommends a form of action for the club.
  8. Librarian: provides storage and displays the club’s books and videos.
  9. Manufacturers Representative: interfaces with equipment manufacturers and keeps the members informed of new offerings.
  10. Membership Chairperson: handles membership registration.
  11. National Organization Liaison: contact to & from a national hobby association.
  12. Newsletter Editor: generates & distributes the club monthly newsletter.
  13. Photographer: records club activities for the newsletter, website and Facebook.
  14. Raffle Chairperson: handles all aspects of the club raffle.
  15. Refreshments: provides the club’s meeting refreshments.
  16. Website Editor: designs and maintains the club website and some email communications.
  17. Finds of the Month Chairperson: an individual who manages the club’s contest board.
  18. Diamond & Gold Tester: an individual who has the expertise & tools to evaluate gold & diamonds for members.
ARTICLE IX: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable. And in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the club may adopt.

  • The order of business for meetings
  1. Call to order
  2. Introduction of officers and guests
  3. Reading of minutes
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. President’s report
  6. Program
  7. BREAK– refreshments–voting on contest board
  8. Old business
  9. New business
  10. Board results
  11. 50/50 raffle
  12. Adjourn meeting
ARTICLE X: Dissolution
  1. The club may be dissolved only by a majority vote of the membership at a scheduled meeting after all members have been notified in writing of this intent including proposed disposal of assets.
  2. In event of dissolution of the club, the club’s assets shall be disposed of to a charitable organization in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the membership and the laws of the state of Maryland.
ARTICLE XI: Club Liability
  1. While Club officers shall attempt to point out some hazards of various outings, it shall be a foregone conclusion that all dangers cannot be foreseen and therefore each member shall assume the responsibility for known and unknown dangers for himself, his family and his property.
  2. In case of loss or injury of any kind to any member or his / her family while at a club meeting, field trip, or any other event involving the club said member agrees NOT to hold the club responsible in any way.
  3. All members must be responsible for the well-being and safety of their own persons and property.
  4. Members with children shall be fully responsible for their safety and well-being.
ARTICLE XII: Amendment of Bylaws
  1. Any member desiring to amend the by-laws shall present in writing the proposed change(s) at a regular scheduled meeting.
  2. All members must be notified in writing by regular mail or email of the proposed change(s) and the date of voting relating to the change(s).
  3. The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a two-third (2/3) vote of the members present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
  4. The Club shall review these Bylaws biennial for recommending changes.
Approving Signatures
Club President………………………………………….….. / ….. / …..
Vice President………………………………………….….. / ….. / …..
Club Secretary………………………………………….….. / ….. / …..
Vice Treasurer………………………………………….….. / ….. / …..

Adopted Date: ..... / ..... / .....

Revision Date: June 2017

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